Post Harvest Loss Control
In 2024, launched the Sia-Africa BlueTech Superhighway (AABS) in collaboration with WorldFish. The project assesses qualitative and quantitative fish losses to provide post-harvest loss solutions. The project emphasizes community engagement and gendered data collection.
The project targets explicitly to:
- Minimize post-harvest fish losses and waste,
- Boost income and livelihoods for fishers, processors, and dealers,
- Enhance fish quality and safety,
- Strengthen policy and institutional support for post-harvest fish loss and waste reduction.

The exploratory study in Kibuyuni BMU revealed that value chain actors suffer significant post-harvest losses due to inadequate storage facilities, poor fish handling practices, delayed transportation of fish to the market, and seasonal variation in fish supply and demand.
We are also partnering with KMFRI and Pwani University. We will host one master's degree student from the University adjacent to this project and provide supervisory functions. The project will provide crucial data for policymakers to establish evidence-based regulations, including better storage and transportation methods while supporting the development of strategies for sustainable fisheries management.
What next?
- Conducting quantitative data collection during the high and low seasons.
- Identifying and implementing drying and cooling solutions.

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