Streamlining Fish Catch Data Management

Fisheries play a vital role in sustaining marine ecosystems and providing food security for millions of people worldwide. Effective fish catch data management is crucial for sustainable fishing practices, conservation efforts, and informed decision-making.  For these reasons  9 BMUs along shimoni- vanga sea scape and Msambweni have been collecting fish catch data since October 2022. We have received a total of 53,019 entries from the data  collection.  

Members of Munje Beach Management Unit during a participatory mapping exercise of their fishing grounds

Efficient fish catch data management is indispensable for the sustainable management of fisheries and the conservation of marine resources. Embracing innovative technologies, fostering collaboration, and prioritizing data quality and security are essential steps towards a more responsible and informed approach to fisheries management. By adopting these strategies, we can work together to protect marine ecosystems and ensure the well-being of both fishing communities and the environment.

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