Reforestation/Afforestation is the backbone of curbing impacts of deforestation and climate change: It's a widely adopted approach to restoring an ecosystem to its original state .
In March 2023 COMRED was awarded a grant by RUSSELL E. TRAIN EDUCATION FOR NATURE (EFN) PROGRAM WORLD WILDLIFE FUND (WWF) to support capacity building for communities in Mwandamu and Majoreni Bay on mangrove restoration, apiculture, and rehabilitation of mangrove-degraded areas.

- Capacity building
60 community members from Mwandamu, Shangani Amani, Munje, Chete cha Kale, and Majoreni eco-credit groups trained on mangrove restoration best practices. The training integrated community knowledge and skills gaps identified during the reconnaissance survey at mangrove sites.
- Increased mangrove cover
88 Members from Mwandamu and Majoreni eco-credit groups participated in transplanting 17,800 mangrove seedlings on a degraded area of approximately 1.77ha.
- Livelihood enhancement
300,000 Kenyan shillings given to Mwandamu and Majoreni groups for the purchase of 10,000 seedlings for planting.
10 Langstroth beehives with inbuilt honeycombs, a pair of protective suits, a pair of double strainer sieves, a pair of hive brand smokers, a pair of bee brushes, and a pair of hive tools.
- Mangrove Apiculture
The project team engaged an apiculture expert and trained 23 representatives from beekeeping groups on mangrove apiculture best practices within the mangrove forest.
This was done following a survey of apiculture groups in Majoreni and identified the Mbweni and Yungi groups as suitable groups for capacity-building. The survey also revealed gaps in insufficient equipment and technique in beekeeping.