Hand Over the Mombasa Smart and Sustainable City Forum (MSCF) Blueprint

COMRED's Smart Cities program and partners forming the Mombasa Smart and Sustainable City Forum (MSCF) formally presented the Mombasa Smart and Sustainable City Forum (MSCF) blueprint to the Deputy Governor of Mombasa County, Francis Thoya. This blueprint contains a prioritized list of issues such as: Natural Capital, Solid Waste and Plastic Management, Climate Action and Transport, Transformative River Management, and Port City and Planning affecting Mombasa city and  will serve as a roadmap offering solutions to identified issues. 

The Mombasa Smart and Sustainable City Forum (MSCF) roadmap is a product of the three years implementation of an action research project called Mijibora (Smart cities). Miji Bora’s legacy continues through five thematic Technical Working Groups: Natural Capital, Solid Waste and Plastic Management, Climate Action and Transport, Transformative River Management, and Port City and Planning. 

The roadmap represents the dedication of the city stakeholders towards achieving their vision for Mombasa's future. The Mombasa County authorities will use the recommendations in this roadmap to inform planning to transform this coastal city into a pioneering and sustainable port city in the region. 

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